The Real Wheel Behind Government –

God Rules

   The world, as we know it today, has many different rules and different social structures which will never admit to the divine origin of the word of God. They will never consider through all the turmoil, the fires of hate that fuels the wars of humanity (both in Old Testament history and into our modern age) that these fires of the world and Satan have not been able to put out the light of the word of God. God has kept His word unblemished without and within like the Son of the living God who is the Living Word, who upholds all things by the word of His power.

   The mighty king Nebuchadnezzar sat on his throne lifting himself up as God, he built an idol of dominance to his own image, and God without displaying Himself, took that man from the throne into the woods and fields away from man, away from his power, and it was there where Nebuchadnezzar ate grass (like a beast) for seven years. This would have continued, but at the end of the seven years Nebuchadnezzar saw that the most high God rules in the kingdoms of men. There is no principality or power that God cannot move according to His own will. God’s government is continuous, it is the wheel within a wheel as it travels through time and history it is God’s government that determines all the governments of men. He counts the hairs upon the heads, He raises up man and puts them upon their throne or station. Some of the basest of men have ruled in power; yet, they are locked into history to bring about God’s divine will. Where we are in the history of man today is not an accident of fate, it is the divine will of God to show us (as God has shown throughout history) that the wicked and evil heart in man’s quest is to be the basest of sinners.

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© Copyright 2017, Michael Haigh

Article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.

All Scripture references are from the Authorized King James Bible. (KJV)

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