The Great Steal . . .

The GREAT STEAL: We (in the United States) are living today in the GREAT STEAL. In the political realm of the Philistines (that is the Marxist/Communist Uniparty also known as the Democrat/Republican Uniparty) the GREAT STEAL is their coordinated effort to inject fear into this nation by a ‘controlled plandemic’ (the pandemic is real, however the statistics are manipulated and controlled); and therefore, through a controlled and organized resistance our Philistines create an incorrect projection of social unrest.’ Next, the GREAT STEAL will be to falsify and legitimatize a fraudulent government through voting fraud and confusion. The Philistines know how to STEAL, they have had a lot of practice, but they are not practicing now because THIS IS THE GREAT STEAL. Continue reading to understand when, where, and why THE GREAT STEAL began.