The Four Letter Word . . .

The Four Letter Word

    The four letter word that is mostly ignored, hated and whenever uttered draws a response that attempts to shut down the speaker. The four letter word that elicits laughter, scorn, and ridicule on the one who dares to utter this shameful word can be both an adjective and a noun. This four letter word can label the speaker as a fanatic. This four letter word must never be used in a group of intellectuals. This four letter word must be stamped out as not being politically correct. This four letter word must never come into common use as it may confuse the confusable. This four letter word must be eliminated from the thoughts of the people. This four letter word should never be recognized as a means of measurement. If this word ever becomes a tool to measure actions then everything that humanity is built on: humanism, evolution, the goodness of mankind, and all standards become centered on the genesis of this word. No, this is a very bad, bad word, and must never become a point to judge mankind. It should be given to reveal the sin nature of mankind and the evil heart of mankind. 

© Copyright 2019, Mary Haigh

Article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.

All Scripture references are from the Authorized King James Bible. (KJV)

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