Why Many Women Hate Men! –
Why women have such deep hatred and hostility against men today?
Why women have such deep hatred and hostility against men today?
The End
We have sealed our own fate by our evil and corrupt laws, and by celebrating these evil laws, and by approving those who made them and enforce them . . . . we have pushed God to give us up to the things that we desire, the things that we crave, and the things that we deserve to experience by the hand of God.
You may think that your nation is not an enemy of God. You may believe that your nation is a Christian nation. You may believe that your nation is strong spiritually. Whatever you believe . . . the nations are his enemies. There are three hundred and twenty-one (321)…
With a deeply saddened heart, but not with a broken spirit I wish to record my thoughts on the current political coup going on in the United States at this moment.
The GREAT STEAL: We (in the United States) are living today in the GREAT STEAL. In the political realm of the Philistines (that is the Marxist/Communist Uniparty also known as the Democrat/Republican Uniparty) the GREAT STEAL is their coordinated effort to inject fear into this nation by a ‘controlled plandemic’ (the pandemic is real, however the statistics are manipulated and controlled); and therefore, through a controlled and organized resistance our Philistines create an incorrect projection of social unrest.’ Next, the GREAT STEAL will be to falsify and legitimatize a fraudulent government through voting fraud and confusion. The Philistines know how to STEAL, they have had a lot of practice, but they are not practicing now because THIS IS THE GREAT STEAL. Continue reading to understand when, where, and why THE GREAT STEAL began.
How can God hate since He is Love? If God can hate, what or who does He hate?
Read about the great battles that you, sometimes unknowingly, face every day — I kid you not — read the new post on The Genesis Epic by CLICKING HERE.
You are a walking billboard!